Decisions on the road

13th April 2017


Which village? Which subject? Shall we move on? Shall we try and make it work? Is it going to rain…

I’m trying to go with the flow but actually somewhat enjoying the pondering questions that revolve around my head with each day of roaming. I vent that I am frustrated by my monkey brain but Andrei argues these questions are important. They infuse maturity in an approach, he comments with certainty.
“The ability to make a decision is greater than just trying everything…”

I’m on the fence.

I often lament when leaving a scene to early or arriving too late. I kick myself for a badly composed frame or a badly lit portrait…as Sergi our 4×4 driver comments with a twinkle in his eye: ” It is hard being an artist huh?”

I’m loving being on the road and only wish I could do it more. However I’m craving my own bed and being reunited with Pigeon.

Here’s a decision I made. After a slight debate we did a U turn so that I could assess the scene. We had whizzed passed an old looking huge wheel of swings in the garden of a restaurant. It immediately felt like a deja vu before I connected that I had dreamt about something very similar a few nights before. Spooked, I walked over and shot a few frames…why not? even just as a reminder…oao x