Predicting colour

25th May 2017

It’s a common annoyance that towards the end of any trip I am fishing through my bag of films to find a roll of 400, like sifting through muesli for the raisins. These negatives reached new levels of being underexposed but I recall the immense mission of a drive to arrive at this location. Tired beyond words and near the state of a toddler tantrum Andrei propped me up and dragged me from the car. I was glad too, even just to remove myself from the wagon. We shot a few playful frames and looking at them now I cant imagine them in color.

With eyes dropping I’ll also include this one, as I am indebted for my lack of a post last week. This image is an opposite of those above. The colors define it. We decided to revisit the polluted lake; a location that although famous still offers new inspiration. The murky thick orange waters paint the scene and every time I am there I wonder what lies beneath.

Hopefully more awake and coherent next week
