1st August 2014
The devilish world of the private view stole me last night and my blog post attempt was incoherent so instead I opted for the nest, and here I am. These images are from the spring visit for the new project and come from two days of warm greetings with similar families. The first is from ‘ The rabbit man’ who offered us freshly made apple juice from his orchard and home made Tuica. He lived at the very top of a hill only five minutes from where we were based but the rocky steep climb was one I would have hated if it rained. The cobblestones were like blocks of ice and the whole family maneuverer the path with skill and ease whilst I kept my eyes transfixed on my feet. We talked about what his children wanted now that they were reaching their teens and they hastily replied that they were eager to flee. It was clear this organic and idyllic lifestyle had its pitfalls, not to mention how much hard work it took. This family we met was on our way to find our steed. We rested half way up the hill and I recall sitting on a garden swing with our fit and friendly elderly guide, swinging peacefully in the heat. They insisted we return on our way back and share lunch with them. I really enjoyed just observing how they worked together. I was hypnotised by this young man repeat the journey to store hay in the barn, he looked so minute amongst the landscape and easily camouflaged. Time to pop another Barocca and head out for some fresh air me thinks..until Thursday, OAO xx