Je suis désolé

17th July 2014

Arles stole my body , mind and liver last week so a post was missed ( darn it). For my sins an extra image.
This first is from the Romanian adventure in prep for a new project. On the hunt for anything relating to our tale we tracked down some locals returning from a funeral. Within each village intimate funerals were held every weekend and the warmth of familiar neighbours created a tight community. One of these women kindly invited us in for a cup of tea and a good natter. All three women have been friends since youth and still live where they grew up….neighbours for life.

This next image is from a mission with a young boy called Ota. Launching his first rocket was the story I followed with the team at Vodaphone . Little did I know of the rocket craze in Prague! Despite speaking no English, Ota charmed the team and shared an insight into his imagination , which was a wonderful experience…

with sleepy eyes ..OAO x