Something a little different

2nd January 2014

laura mon 001

As ever, half asleep, Thursday has struck me. So this weeks post is a random mix of memories. A nostalgic look back at a few of my 2013 walks…

The first couples are from an early 2013 stroll to a seaside resort. The reason I posted this was for the small details. Looking at the individuals feels like a Where’s Wally game and the fresh smell of seafood and buzzing drone of arcade machines and fair ride music lingers in the air. I remember wondering what on earth the game was that drew in a curious crowd. And still do.

The second is from a recent stroll on the streets of LA. A stone throw from Skid Row I was struck by how different I had imagined it to feel. I loved that these building remained despite their depressing neglect.

Lastly, this one is a reminder that being adventurous can often lead me to danger…there is a thin line between being a curious roamer and a naive wanderer… this was from one of my most frightening encounters. Seconds later I dashed to catch my train, not stopping to see if the hounds had been released.

OAO y’all xxx