What day is it?

6th September 2013

I’m not sure if this post is late/early or stuck in purgatory… I seem to have lost all sense of TIME as I am floating in between 3 different zones. I arrived in DC…then not long after ( a day I think) I found myself shooting in LA which is where ( I think) I am now…but further downtown….

Anywhoo enough sleep deprived rants as Im on a whirlwind of an exciting adventure and very much awestruck by the towering buildings, new folk,challenges and unfamiliar surroundings…

Here’s another sneak from the widow story from Romania… this lady was an inspiration. She was by far the lively clown of the group and was also the oldest. After several declines of her kind offers of strong liquor we enjoyed her warm and entertaining company…

Shall I sleep..? not sure if its bedtime yet or morning already… any help? OAOx