What are you waiting for?

28th May 2015

Today seems like it started three days ago …
This post may make no sense.


With my camera still at the docs I am destined to search old negs and I am once again craving a stroll. It’s been a while since I took ‘ a walk’ and I think a little adventure would suit me well. This weeks image reminds me of how when I stroll I notice the mystery in every day observations to more of an extreme; I’m much more curious. Living in London where time slips through my fingers so rapidly means my blinkers are on and my brain and mind are unaware…disengaged.

This image is something you could pass every day, anywhere. However I didn’t , I stopped and I wondered why these men were waiting;what and who for. I have no idea why. Perhaps it was how they suspiciously congregated and then dispersed many times. Moments that tempt my curious nature are ones I notice more when alone…. I feel a desire to be nosey and isolated again as soon as my box is back.