The state of it

27th September 2018

So does my lateness get a lighter punishment if I’m stateside and over tired? Long haul flights always fill me with dread, as I seem to end up battling with time whichever direction I fly in.
Removing myself from the UK has been a refreshing reminder of how much I need to dedicate time to personal work. City life is all consuming. I even found myself lusting over a picture of mountains I saw on a screensaver today.

Don’t get me wrong, I love NY and I’m having a blast- I just feel the hours melt away and my fingers itch from not shooting.

I was going to avoid sharing this work as it is still very much in progress but maybe it will help spur some ideas. Due to funding and my schedule it has been placed on hold meaning I have time to really reflect; however my gut says just shoot. I’m not yet ready to step away from the process as I feel I’ve just got started (as mentioned in the previous post).
However this is a gentle reminder that I need to have multiple projects on the go. I’m easily distracted, I waste time.

One thing that pulled me towards Tibby was the horses. The very ‘ordinary’ looking cul de sac of residential, post-war council houses doesn’t give much away. But I spotted a horse or two in the front yard on a regular basis, which seemed unusual. The juxtaposition of flat screen TV’s wallpapering the living rooms blocked by a horse was an enticing visual.

I can’t recall the first time I met Louis on The Lawns. I do remember being struck by how unusual the estate was – the flats facing inwards, a close community.
He introduced me to Paddy the horse. His parents throughout the project have been nothing but patient, kind and warm. Next time I visit I hope it won’t be too cold to bring Louis’s new horse out onto the Lawns.