The mirage

24th October 2013

This weeks post is a mixture of old and new. The old image was one I stumbled across this week when having a rock n roll day of admin and file management …JOY.

The mirage of a campsite seduces me like lushous pool of clear blue water in the desert, only to leave my mouth dry upon arrival. Campsites have a tempting aesthetic that teases my camera. I always feel excited when I see one; and like the crane machines at an arcade, I naively believe I’ll win this time…it will be different. Alas usually I am left unsatisfied and empty handed, but …I’ll be tempted next time.

The second is from the Dallas Baby Village in Romania that is very much in it’s infancy… however I’m eager to return and learn. I ‘ve spent some time exploring some fun new techniques this week that I have fallen for. Hopefully in a few weeks I’ll be able to share something a little different…. Bon nuit OAO xx