Looking back at looking at

24th March 2016

Time has slipped through the net this week and perhaps the world has sped up before it decides to slow down on Sunday. I’m a tad over consumed with my to do list and my desire for an escape is reaching tipping point. Before I book a flight I thought I’d get round to scanning the negs from the ‘Reflect’ shoot (based on the visual illusion where your own reflection in the mirror seems to become distorted and shifts identity).

This week, more than usual, seems to have held little time for reflection. My weekly yoga slots were evaded and having a moment to stop and just ‘be’ seemed near impossible. Looking back on shoots that ‘failed’ sometimes takes a bit of distance to figure out what was missing or ‘wrong’. When I can’t figure it out rather than abandon the puzzle I sometimes wait until the answers organically arise in conversation or day dreaming analysis. This one is going to take some trial and error and when we can Gem and I shall give it another stab.

We discussed reshooting with a before and after scenario and I think maybe leaving the subjects alone with themselves may help too, perhaps having the shutter on a timer.

Enjoy your Easter and hopefully by next week ill have a story to tell…oao x