Late from the past

7th April 2019

I’m sitting on my bed in a bizarre air bnb in Birmingham, the only window leads out onto the drive so I’m playing hide and seek with the world. Delving through my archive to make up for a missed post last week my eyes are beginning to drop. I don’t want to post anything from Israel, as the short recce produced limited results that I’m still trying to process. I do sometimes think I learn most when I shoot instinctively and then reflect on what didn’t work and why. It’s an expensive way to learn.

The first from the bank is an image from over 7 years ago when I was commissioned by Neon magazine to shoot a naturist camp in Turin. It was there I met Terry, the writer who I was assigned to focus my lens on as she braved the world of naturism and then journalled her account. I’m delighted to say that she rocks and we are still good friends, it was a uniquely wonderful way to meet someone. I suppose you have to have something in common if you find yourself in that situation. This image is not of her but of one of the lovely girls also visiting for the camp. All I recall now was that she was from a large group of cheerful Dutch friends.

This is an out take from the shoot I did with the brothers in Texas. I’ve posted about this moment before – it was around the same time and place a group of wild adorable puppies followed me like the pied piper. A few days later I discovered the little bastards had given me scabies.

OAO mush x