Image of the week… Island Symmetries

27th June 2023

Island Symmetries.

It feels like a lifetime ago, I fleeted from Birmingham to Tasmania, to explore the universal theme of being a teenager.

As I get older, I worry I wont be able to relate to this time, as my memory fades; all while the shift in generations, brings new trends and fashions.

Then I am reminded of the small details; The way I painstakingly straightened my hair, my love of fizzy laces and panda pops, playing out the front or meeting at the rec, drawing on pencil cases and winter walks home from school. I recall the crazy rage at unjust discipline or obsessive lust for a crush.

Perhaps, this nostalgia is mine alone but when working with young people, I can’t help but believe that we are all just the same; but oh so different.
oao x