Being sensible..

24th January 2014

After one too many glasses of wine and a catch up with a friend I realized it was better to wait until my sober mind reflected on and released the post I had scrawled. Luckily it made some kind of sense but this is this week’s excuse for missing my Thursday deadline..yup Im a slacker.

My ical diary teasingly says ‘Romania’ … this salt in the wound reminder is fuelling even more of a desire to fled but in order to prepare Im sifting through my contacts and distracting myself with other things

Ill keep this post short as my eyes are heavy . Letting go of the desire to control an impossible situation before you can be difficult but at times essential. The wild nature of this village was refreshing. Although nervous about entering the chaos I m drawn to the excitement… I want to return to Dallas and face it’s challenges once more…

In addition when I look at these images they remind me what I am looking for if and when I ever return. What struck me about the village was not just the large families but the way in which the community interacted. I d like to spend more time with them and hopefully build on a wider story . I found it a hectic and dangerous place but it has seduced me.