Behind in hours

16th October 2015


Despite gaining 5 hours in ‘get out of jail’ time I am still very delayed on my post. So this weeks image (s – rules are rules) are from the 24-hour TIME shoot and the BBC shoot.

With crusty sleep deprived eyes RA and I arrived at Smithfields meat market at 4 am ish. The hustle and bustle appeared to have been going on for hours and we coyly stepped inside the large warehouse. A stench of raw meat and low toned voices filled the cold tunnel. The bright fluorescent lighting was a harsh wake up call and it felt either really late at night or really early morning. We had already pre empted red tape and limited on time I decided to just charm my way with the first vendor we hit. As expected this was followed by the words: permission, authorities, general procedure, head of department..blah blahh

Batting my eye lids and begging I was surprised when he just smiled sweetly and said “Go on then, but be quick’.

Before he could change his mind I left RA to deal with permission forms whilst I slipped behind the plastic curtain to face the blood and guts. Working swiftly I maneuvered the space treading over bits of animal and leaning on huge carts of meat. It was fascinating to watch the guys work as if the meat was totally objective. I love a good steak but have to admit there were moments that made me a tad squeamish. Their bright and cheery morning attitude was infectious and I left not only grateful but with a spring in my step for no other reason than their friendly banter and Magic FM blasting away.


The couples from the BBC shoot seemed so perfectly matched. They mirrored each other in style, character and persona. Working with young couples is something I still crave to continue. Once nestled into a good spot in the park the group relaxed and the heat, ice creams and general excitement seemed to let them escape into their own world….oao x