Image of the week… Was it ‘All fo nuthin’?

16th June 2023

When returning from a 4-week road trip, with a friend in Texas, that was the immediate title of the work that emerged from daily strolls and long drives.

The roadside motels and meat feast dinners were all part of the epic experience, but the resulting imagery was, in both of our minds an utter failure.
Why? Because it had no narrative? reason or intention?

Why did we feel this overriding desire to create work, that was conceptually sewn together, before we even loaded our cameras.

Looking back on this work it is yet another reminder to revisit the book ‘The Open road ‘ by one of my faves @davidcampany (best joint talk ever fyi). I wish I had turned to these pages before @hinius and I embarked. To remind myself that photography- my kind of image making anyway, is about encounters, adventures, and moments. It’s about the chance meetings, the conversations, the time spent and captured and about experience.

Reflecting on the small number of pictures I took, I am simply reminded of that feeling of freedom with my favourite simple pleasure, the sun on the back of my neck, walking and looking alone.