Image of the week …There are no rules

19th October 2022

Jan heaved a large dusty cardboard box onto the kitchen table, and began a conveyer belt of potentially useful resources, from his grandmother’s attic. I had explained my interest in folklore, and I was eager to delve into the historical traditions of the Duben Heide region. As I flicked through a brown paper textbook of Grimms tales, he coyly handed me a plastic bag.
“I’m not sure why but I thought you might like this.”
I stared down at the dead bird statically frozen in the cellophane. The head rested to one side peacefully and the immaculate grey, black, and blue feathers hugged the body like a 4-piece suit. Strangely I was filled with gratitude and felt an instant affiliation to Jan. He knew me. I didn’t know how or why but I loved this gift.

I thanked him and popped it into my breakfast draw. He noticed this and suggested maybe a more hygienic setting would be the windowsill
There the bird rested awaiting its’ portrait. A week later upon deciding to revisit Wolfen, we headed for the local youth club. We were guided by two young boys. The smallest had his hair neatly swept to one side and his tracksuit neatly pressed. His keen eyes remained fixated on us as he jogged alongside trying to keep up with our adult stride.
I stood behind Jan as his hand reached for the door. Gazing to my right I tiptoed in slow motion. I stood frozen with disbelief as I glanced down at my feet to find another dead bird. The same colour, size, and almost identical fallen stance. This was too flukey to ignore.
During the entire conversation with the youth leader, I simply couldn’t ignore my fixation on the bird and the coincidence. As we left, I requested a plastic bag and Jan decided to reveal the reason. We swept the bird up and left. I wonder what she thought. Oao x @passageartresidency