Image of the week…the unexpected goodbye

19th February 2021

I could feel the weight of an emotional farewell looming as we sat in Annabel’s stark room. The yellow walls and stain spotted carpet swallowed us; a few plastic boxes with her final belongings took centre stage.

This was our last chance to grab a few shots of her and Mary before she moved out to live with a friend. Kip pranced about with itchy feet looking for clues, he knew something was up. As I loaded my film he affectionately punched me demanding attention .
The penultimate shot inevitably had to be Mary spinning on Annabels desk chair.
After spotting it when Annabel first moved in she had marvelled at it’s quality.
“Give it a go” Annabel offered with an outstretched arm.
As Mary gently lowered herself in, she smiled with giddy enthusiasm.
“Fancy a spin?” Annabel suggested with hesitation.
“Oh yes, go on then” Mary replied, bracing the arm rests as she twirled around several times letting out a spontaneous “weeeeeeee”.
Even if the image didn’t translate I didn’t want to miss out on witnessing this activity.

After two spins, we became fearful Mary might puke, or worse fall off so called the shoot to a close.
With so much excitement Mary retired for her nap whilst we took Kip for a final stroll.
Returning an hour later with a mud caked mongrel we loaded the car for the new abode.
I said goodbye and announced that I would leave Mary and Annabel to their farewells. As I sat in the car I imagined the heart wrenching exchange. I pictured Mary sobbing, buried into Annabel’s chest as they both reminisced on a wonderful time together.
Within minutes a dry faced Annabel slumped into the passenger seat dragging a plant onto her lap.
I turned to her bewildered, awaiting a breakdown of the last goodbye.
“She asked me to find a dog walker” Annabel announced blankly.
“Anything else?” I quizzed
How strange I thought. Maybe it will take a few days to sink in. Despite the unemotional departure there’s no doubt that Mary, Annabel and Kip formed one hell of a bond since March.
As I left Annabel in her new bedroom I smiled at the large double bed with fresh sheets. What a change. No more sofa beds and camping at Marys!
oao x