Image of the week… “My proudest moment is”

22nd November 2024

“My proudest moment, is definitely when my mom and I got close, she is my best friend!”
I can almost hear Ronaldo’s soft tone as I read the reply.
She was one of the first young people I met, when I arrived in Cape Town, for my residency with @a4artsfoundation.

Unbeknownst to me, the insane storm that was rupturing the city, was not normal weather. For 3 days, we all remained locked inside, whilst trees were ripped from their roots and shrapnel pelted the streets. I recall being in town on the second day, and watching people like koala bears, gripping onto lamp posts to avoid taking flight.
Somehow London summer seemed less crappy.
Thankfully, the chaos turned to calm and the heat rose. We chucked on our shorts and went about a normal life.
I was then able to meet Ronaldo and her family in person.
Her mother is totally devoted to her kids. She is an incredibly genuine woman who instantly made me feel at ease. Then there is sparky Marky, her little brother who has energy as sprung as his beautiful tight curls.
Ronaldo describes herself as funny, kind, and caring. I would agree with all three. However, I would also add to this regal, composed and thoughtful. I love the way she pauses to really consider her answers when we talk. And the way she holds herself, with such confidence and grace.
I’m here exploring what it is like to grow up in Cape Town. A complex city at a complex time in one’s life. How do you navigate your adult identity, in a world of turbulent boundaries and insecurity?
It’s been a mere 4 weeks but getting to know Ronaldo, and her family, has been an honour. I wish I could stay longer and spend even more time in her world. For now, I’m enjoying it and remembering to play. OAO x @ronaldossolomon