Jack again

4th January 2020

Discovering Sheepwash cured my frustration with trailing the same circuit of locations each trip. Contrasting the Cracker, Sheepwash sported a huge canon and high views; it provided us with a sense of freedom and control. An isolated picturesque observatory. The thick dead vegetation was perfect kindling and a ‘fire pit’ allowed us to keep warm with the knowledge that this was a well-used spot by all.
On this particular day Jack and Josh foraged with gusto. As they tangled their skinny bodies in the twines the girls sat smoking and giggling patiently. It was interesting to see this contemporary caveman act and in no time the bonfire was ablaze and we huddled until the smoke and ash became unbearable. I always love the way a controlled fire can bring people together. Getting a bit nippy now. OAO x