Image of the week… In a hushed voice

22nd November 2024

In a hushed voice, Haylen shared with me that her friend (one of the group), passed away today. She was told an hour ago. Knocked off his bike by a taxi. We peeled back the orange curtains to peer at his house across the street. A Manchester United mural proudly marked the front wall. I dreaded to think of the sorrow inside.

Unfortunately, we were reminded these deaths are a regular occurrence. Since my visit in November 2 boys have passed away and two seriously stabbed. Life here can be volatile and hectic. The chaos and lack of respect for life is real.
We sat at a table looking at the pictures we had taken, spotting the young boy in a few; riding his bike with glee. 14 years old.

I have thrown caution, along with financial logic, to the Cape Town wind and I’m now back self-funding a project I began in November last year. I am delighted to be in the shortlist for the PH Museum project grant, and this has encouraged me that I am making a good decision. I hope that through this work I can continue to learn and share the stories of the amazing, resilient, and creative young people that have embraced me with such kindness. OAO X