Image of the week… I promised them sun in Napoli

22nd November 2024

I promised them sun in Napoli.
Saturday held us captive inside, as the angry clouds relentlessly cried without a break.
So, when the sun showed on Sunday, we made the most of it and embarked on an urban hike.

What I live for when travelling, is simply walking around like a curious child, with the sun on my face. I nosily peering through windows, as I snail pace my way down cobbled streets. Napoli was a treat for this. Rich tableaus at every window.

Holding hands with my camera, I feel a lightness and sense of freedom. It used to be about the hunt for an image; a productive endeavour; but something has shifted. Maybe I’m more stoic, less hungry for an outcome. Yup, I’ll always crave taking a picture that I’m curious to see but I’ve noticed the best walks, are those where that is an epic bonus. Am I being too complacent or more present?

Anyyyyywayyyy, this is a double exposure from the stroll that will always remind me, of the small interaction I had with a nun.

I was standing in the archway of a church, gaping at the stunning mural, when a nun appeared at the bottom of the steps, she reminded me of a small squirrel.

As she entered the courtyard, we were directly facing each other. As I passed her, we both paused and smiled knowing there was no chance in hell I spoke Italian. For some reason I had the sense she was going to tell me off. I hurried down the steps, glancing up as I did at the artwork and said “beautiful” under my breath. OAO x