From old to new

3rd December 2015


Meetings… often feel pointless. Circled conversations, deluded ambitions and too much coffee usually result in me procrastinating on projects but convincing myself I’m being productive. However, some brains blend so well with a latte that I often leave feeling elated and invincible. Gem Fletcher is one of those brains. Oversubscribed with projects I’m lucky to kidnap hero occasionally.  She is everything I am not when venting an idea; positively defiant, decisive and clear. Having worked on the BBC project together (below) I gained an insight into how wonderfully she thinks. When working alone I often find myself in strange situations suddenly questioning my sense of sanity. I recall many moments during the YBN project especially feeling slightly mad but when working with another there is an unspoken rule that any idea is safe and encouraged.

Recently drinking smoothies and attempting to change the world myself Gemma and one other brilliant brain in the form of Hana Al Sayeed blasted out ideas and opinions in full flow. I’m really excited to get cracking and as we vouched to experiment the idea of failing seemed less of a fear. In the same way that my shoot in Wales didn’t work I still feel a sense of progression and risk. Perhaps being held up by comrades is what I need right now to kick my arse in gear….

oao x
