Don’t show the kids

20th June 2013


It seems there’s a scanner virus going round so this weeks image will have to be from a previously shot commission until some recent negs can find a working Immacon. This image is from a challenging but equally rewarding shoot.

Editorial work can often provide an opportunity to push the limitations of time, location and sitter…this however, was an entirely different ball game. Last year Stella asked me to shoot a feature on adoptive parents.

The rules were :

– Three families needed to be shot at home with all members in shot .
– All the families had at least one baby and two or three children each.
– I needed to do a few set ups and make sure that the children were all in shot but NOT identifiable.

Working with kids means being quick and fun, but testing their patience whilst you shoot a range of different options can sometimes push even the most tolerant child. I came up with a few ideas on route and jumped into game mode as soon as I arrived at each abode…

Keeping the children entertained and bringing them out of tantrums with games like ” find the flash gun!” meant that I was lucky enough to grab their attention for just about long enough. Working without an assistant meant juggling my thoughts between interaction, lighting and creative scenarios to hide the childrens’ faces:

“Right little Jimmy you look into the hamster cage with daddy!…. Emily you can be reading that big book with mummy and Jack… why don’t you finish the last of your bowl of cereal by drinking the milk… ok great next set up!”

These shoots taught me so much and working within such constraints was something I weirdly enjoyed…OAO