Image of the week… Boredom is one of my greatest fears

16th June 2023

I cram my days full of any kind of activity possible, so when venturing into a residency promising nothingness, I was naturally apprehensive.

I packed my books and went full cold turkey on my iPhone addiction.
Walking has always been a way to realign my soul, and despite the lack of sunshine, I preempted this would be a ritual of mine.
On my first day in Bergwitz, we agreed that I would hop out on route, whilst Jan ran some errands. Despite the rain, I would rather walk than be in a car, so we made a full proof plan of where to reunite.
Within minutes the silence calmed me, and I relished the silence and freedom. After my soggy little jaunt, I headed for our meeting point as darkness set in. Our plan was crushed when we both separately realised signal did not exist, and we were clearly at different spots.
I headed for the sound of cars and hugged the tarmac looking out for his van. After 20 minutes, and a blackening sky I felt a tad annoyed at my lack of ability, to follow even a simple task. Before I had time to curse myself, sharp headlights hit me, and I saw Jan grinning with relief. I clambered in, and warmed my hands on the heaters, as we giggled at a near miss of losing me on the first night. OAO x @passageartresidency @bert.villa @janstradtmann