All the time

29th August 2020

I’m obsessed with time. My enemy and familiar friend. I made a rule to post an image once a week, and it seems I am less committed to this over the past few months, so I am hereby intervening and kicking myself up the arse to be more productive. Checking in, and sharing is an important process, and neglecting this arises from a lack of producing imagery- a current truth that tortures me. Burying my head in the sand won’t cure this.

It was the last fishing village on my list ( a napkin I scrawled on when listening intensively to anyone who threw local tips at me). It looked smaller than painted in all the online research- a single strip of colourfully painted beach huts. I was disappointed but took the short coastal stroll to watch the sunset. After being rejected by a green eyed elderly woman, and her daughter I surrendered and walked to end of the strip. A crowd had gathered and I settled my gaze on a mother and son resting in silence.

Their quiet, and tender relationship was endearing. A calm teen, alone with his mother simply enjoying the sunset. It struck me as rare, and I began to fantasise their narrative. It is not just adolescence that fascinates me but all of the relationships, that touch us during this time of flux.

I shot this image as I wanted to capture it for them. The colours seduced me, and with no inspiration to shoot anything else, I didn’t want to waste the palette in front of me. It was also quite interesting, to focus my gaze opposing everyone else’s, on a stunning sunset out of view.

The second, is one that caught my eye when organising my archive, and looking to a time when I was ‘in’ a project. That feeling of being in an intense, and passionate new relationship. With all the heightened moments of adventure, often comes misery and turmoil. It’s captivating and all encompassing. I miss unpredictable and challenging extremes. I’m itching to dive back into something, and immerse myself into the space, people and ideas.

Shooting in low light is something I have grown to adore. I’m often too knackered or not switched into shoot mode when the sun sleeps . However, something about this project helped me with this; mostly the short winter days I suspect. When analysing this process, my mind wanders back to the idea of how I use my time.Why does it always feel like it’s beating me…oao x